Friendly Town expands to include OSF HealthCare Sacred Heart Medical Center

10/21/2024 - Danville, Illinois

  • Friendly Town OSF Sacred Heart Health Care
  • Friendly Town OSF Sacred Heart Health Care
Friendly Town OSF Sacred Heart Health Care Friendly Town OSF Sacred Heart Health Care

(October 21, 2024 | Danville, Illinois) – Kids in Danville, Illinois, have a safe space to play and learn about what makes their community tick at Friendly Town, an area in Lincoln Park run by Danville police.

The latest addition to Friendly Town: a replica of OSF HealthCare Sacred Heart Medical Center. Kids will soon be able to explore the building and learn about how OSF Mission Partners (employees) keep them healthy and safe. A combination of donor and OSF funds made the project possible.



Maria Amante
Public Relations and Communications Coordinator
Tim Ditman
Media Relations Coordinator
(217) 337-2027